how this began

Emily Jacobson, Ecostead's founder, enjoying the bounty from her garden in the front yard.



Emily Jacobson of Ecostead Consulting is passionate about empowering individuals and families to make a difference personally in the fight against climate change. 

Her interest in creating abundance, deepening connections, and inspiring hope for the future started with her love for nature. Growing up in Goleta, California, Emily spent a lot of time roaming the beautiful coastal mountains in that area. This was the beginning of an incredible, and ongoing, journey to nature connection.

Emily’s interest in sustainability came from her love of nature and the outdoors combined with losing a close friend at a young age – quickly realizing how short and precious our lives are here on Earth.

Emily has her Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering and has worked at engineering firms designing mechanical building systems for commercial and residential projects. She is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE). During that time, she has also worked as a Green Building Consultant and is a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP). Prior to this, she worked as an organic farmer at a number of small-scale organic farms in New England and California and has her Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC).

In her personal time, Emily enjoys spending time digging in the garden and chasing after the backyard chickens with her kids, hiking in the Rocky Mountains, and growing her own ecological homestead into an abundant and resilient haven for her family and community.